Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Dear readers I have come to realise that all I really know about the creationist scene is pretty small. Therefore I am changing my personal approach, in order to present more important aspects of Creation, in the scientific realm, while endeavouring to keep it simple.

I will therefore present articles that are proudly creationist from people who know what they are talking about but are also personally involved in study, research, promotion and advocacy of the Young Earth Creationist and Evangelical Christian points of view.

First I would encourage you to look regularly at the CREATIONONTHEWEB.com website and read for yourselves the articles that are regularly presented. Secondly I would encourage you to become a subscriber to the Creation Magazine ($25.00 per year) which has very readable and easily understood articles. Thirdly what Creation Ministries International at 8mile Plains has available in books, charts and DVDs. To get all the details just log on to the Creation On The Web site and get the details.

Now even us oldies can be better and reliably informed of what evengelical believers have believed for decades about God's wonderful creation but have not had any more to help us than the Scriptures themselves, but of which many are uncertain. The Magazine and articles help us to see, as well as to believe, as the things of God's creation are explained.

Yours Aye
