Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Many people are troubled by the apparent remoteness of God. He seems to them distant, aloof , and unreal. They cry out with Job, 'If only I knew where to find him' (Job 23 :3)

It is this image of an absentee God that John smashes to smithereens. In the prologue of his Gospel he writes of three comings of God into the world in Christ.

Firstly, he was coming into the world. It is a great mistake to suppose that the first time God came into the world was when he was born into it. No, He made the world and has never left it. 'He is the true light that gives light to every man' who, ' was coming into the world' (John 1:9) Thus long before he came he was coming, giving to all both light and life. So that everything beautiful, good, and true in the world we claim for Jesus Christ. People may not know this, for usually he retains his incognito, but he is 'the light of men' (v4) No human being is plunged into total darkness.

Secondly he came into the world 'He came to that which was his own' (v11) He who had been coming to all people now came to his particular people He who had been coming ingognito now came in person, openly and publicly. The eternal Word became a human being. The tragedy is the world did not recognize him.

Thirdly he still comes. He He comes now by his Spirit, and to thos who receive him he gives the right to become God's children, born of God (v12)

A fourth coming could be added, although John does not mention it here. But later records Jesus's promise.' I will come back and take you to be with me (John 14 :3)

So here are God's four comings .He was continuously coming as the light and life of all human beings. He came on the first Christmas Day. He conme still,waiting for us to receive Him and He will come on the last Day.

Yours Aye


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