Saturday, May 22, 2010


Evolutionists say that man is 'part of nature' and 'has emerged as a result of a continuous process. So where do they draw the line between humans and animals.?

In an article in CREATION magazine Vol 32. No.2. 2010 Tas Walker writes." The Bible says man is distinct from animals,created supernaturally by God." "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living being" Genesis 2:7.

What makes us human? How we answer affects us profoundly: the way we view ourselves, how we treat others and the laws of our land.

If we emerged through a continuous process then what qualifies us to be human? The Spanish Parliament wrestled with this in June 2008 when their environmental committee approved rights and freedom.... for great apes...rights previously restricted to people.

In April 2008 a conference of scientists, philosophers and academics discussed this question for two days in Los Angeles. Does our humanness come from our capacity to communicat,our artistic skills, our poetry or our tool making? Is it our ability to laugh and cry?

These evolutionary ideas about superior skills, superior abilities and the struggle to survive have led the world into (numerous conflicts) and when Charles Darwin observed the limited abilities of the indigenous people of South America he found it hard to believe they were fellow humans see article by Russell Grigg in same CREATION MAGAZINE page 42 "Darwin and the Fuegians" (ask me for a copy)

A humanity decided on ability is a shaky foundation indeed. When do babies who cannot speak or feed themselves, qualify? What about those who are handicapped, by an accident, say, or with Down's syndrome? Do they miss out?

With the rise of evolutionary philosophy in the West, the sanctity of human life has been unravelling. In 2001 the Netherlands was the first country to legalize "euthanasia" ...the medical killing of the terminally ill. In 2008 the Dutch doctors preside over more than 3200 deaths including 550 deaths "without request." Now there are calls to allow physicians to euthanize"defective" or "unwanted" newborns"

Creation affirms we are descended from Adam and Eve, whom God made in His own image. Our humanity does not depend upon our abilties but upon our heritage. We are human from the moment we are conceived. So human life must be cherished and children raised to know the Creator.

Some dismiss the story of Adam and Eve as myth. But the scientific evidence supports the biblical account, not the idea that we are related to apes. Respect for human life comes from the Christian view of man's origin. People are valuable because we bear God's image, as God stressed to Noah after the Flood." Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning."

"Whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God has God made man." Genesis 9:6. Noah's Flood is not a myth either, as massive amounts of evidence reveals to any who are willing to read and discover. More next time

Yours Aye


1 comment:

  1. So when were the dinosaurs around? Did they really exist? Did any life exist before Adam and Eve? How did Noah manage to get 2 Lamas from Peru into the Ark? Did Noah even know about Peru? How did Noah feed all of these animals? Just a few questions.

    Just because you may not be able to answer them (which I personally find to be completely acceptable) does not mean that there is no truth to the story or that the stories were intended to be "scientific" in their explanations.

    Personally, I believe that God created the universe and in so doing created everything in it. Everything has a beginning and an end. The simple fact that we have such a tremendous ability to think and solve problems is truly testament to his greatness. To overlook this fact and discount the advances that science make in understand our environment just because it does not correlate with the bible says is to truly selling God short. We are happy to accept all of the great work we can accomplish in the medical field that extends and improves our lives, but are happy to discount equally brilliant people in other areas.

    Yes the bible is the word of God, written by man, for man to understand. Tell me...what purpose would it have served, to anyone, for Genesis to explain the concept of the Big Bang? None I say. And if it was explained it to you today, has your intelligence evolved, developed enough to understand it in 2010? For a very large majority of us, probably not.

    Please keep your mind and especially your heart open. Above everything else, move forward with the words of John 3:16 ringing in your ears and your heart, for this is what God knew we could ALL understand.

    Peace and love to you brother.
