Dear readers I have come to realise that all I really know about the creationist scene is pretty small. Therefore I am changing my personal approach, in order to present more important aspects of Creation, in the scientific realm, while endeavouring to keep it simple.
I will therefore present articles that are proudly creationist from people who know what they are talking about but are also personally involved in study, research, promotion and advocacy of the Young Earth Creationist and Evangelical Christian points of view.
First I would encourage you to look regularly at the website and read for yourselves the articles that are regularly presented. Secondly I would encourage you to become a subscriber to the Creation Magazine ($25.00 per year) which has very readable and easily understood articles. Thirdly what Creation Ministries International at 8mile Plains has available in books, charts and DVDs. To get all the details just log on to the Creation On The Web site and get the details.
Now even us oldies can be better and reliably informed of what evengelical believers have believed for decades about God's wonderful creation but have not had any more to help us than the Scriptures themselves, but of which many are uncertain. The Magazine and articles help us to see, as well as to believe, as the things of God's creation are explained.
Yours Aye
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Evolutionists say that man is 'part of nature' and 'has emerged as a result of a continuous process. So where do they draw the line between humans and animals.?
In an article in CREATION magazine Vol 32. No.2. 2010 Tas Walker writes." The Bible says man is distinct from animals,created supernaturally by God." "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living being" Genesis 2:7.
What makes us human? How we answer affects us profoundly: the way we view ourselves, how we treat others and the laws of our land.
If we emerged through a continuous process then what qualifies us to be human? The Spanish Parliament wrestled with this in June 2008 when their environmental committee approved rights and freedom.... for great apes...rights previously restricted to people.
In April 2008 a conference of scientists, philosophers and academics discussed this question for two days in Los Angeles. Does our humanness come from our capacity to communicat,our artistic skills, our poetry or our tool making? Is it our ability to laugh and cry?
These evolutionary ideas about superior skills, superior abilities and the struggle to survive have led the world into (numerous conflicts) and when Charles Darwin observed the limited abilities of the indigenous people of South America he found it hard to believe they were fellow humans see article by Russell Grigg in same CREATION MAGAZINE page 42 "Darwin and the Fuegians" (ask me for a copy)
A humanity decided on ability is a shaky foundation indeed. When do babies who cannot speak or feed themselves, qualify? What about those who are handicapped, by an accident, say, or with Down's syndrome? Do they miss out?
With the rise of evolutionary philosophy in the West, the sanctity of human life has been unravelling. In 2001 the Netherlands was the first country to legalize "euthanasia" ...the medical killing of the terminally ill. In 2008 the Dutch doctors preside over more than 3200 deaths including 550 deaths "without request." Now there are calls to allow physicians to euthanize"defective" or "unwanted" newborns"
Creation affirms we are descended from Adam and Eve, whom God made in His own image. Our humanity does not depend upon our abilties but upon our heritage. We are human from the moment we are conceived. So human life must be cherished and children raised to know the Creator.
Some dismiss the story of Adam and Eve as myth. But the scientific evidence supports the biblical account, not the idea that we are related to apes. Respect for human life comes from the Christian view of man's origin. People are valuable because we bear God's image, as God stressed to Noah after the Flood." Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning."
"Whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God has God made man." Genesis 9:6. Noah's Flood is not a myth either, as massive amounts of evidence reveals to any who are willing to read and discover. More next time
Yours Aye
In an article in CREATION magazine Vol 32. No.2. 2010 Tas Walker writes." The Bible says man is distinct from animals,created supernaturally by God." "And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life: and man became a living being" Genesis 2:7.
What makes us human? How we answer affects us profoundly: the way we view ourselves, how we treat others and the laws of our land.
If we emerged through a continuous process then what qualifies us to be human? The Spanish Parliament wrestled with this in June 2008 when their environmental committee approved rights and freedom.... for great apes...rights previously restricted to people.
In April 2008 a conference of scientists, philosophers and academics discussed this question for two days in Los Angeles. Does our humanness come from our capacity to communicat,our artistic skills, our poetry or our tool making? Is it our ability to laugh and cry?
These evolutionary ideas about superior skills, superior abilities and the struggle to survive have led the world into (numerous conflicts) and when Charles Darwin observed the limited abilities of the indigenous people of South America he found it hard to believe they were fellow humans see article by Russell Grigg in same CREATION MAGAZINE page 42 "Darwin and the Fuegians" (ask me for a copy)
A humanity decided on ability is a shaky foundation indeed. When do babies who cannot speak or feed themselves, qualify? What about those who are handicapped, by an accident, say, or with Down's syndrome? Do they miss out?
With the rise of evolutionary philosophy in the West, the sanctity of human life has been unravelling. In 2001 the Netherlands was the first country to legalize "euthanasia" ...the medical killing of the terminally ill. In 2008 the Dutch doctors preside over more than 3200 deaths including 550 deaths "without request." Now there are calls to allow physicians to euthanize"defective" or "unwanted" newborns"
Creation affirms we are descended from Adam and Eve, whom God made in His own image. Our humanity does not depend upon our abilties but upon our heritage. We are human from the moment we are conceived. So human life must be cherished and children raised to know the Creator.
Some dismiss the story of Adam and Eve as myth. But the scientific evidence supports the biblical account, not the idea that we are related to apes. Respect for human life comes from the Christian view of man's origin. People are valuable because we bear God's image, as God stressed to Noah after the Flood." Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning."
"Whoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God has God made man." Genesis 9:6. Noah's Flood is not a myth either, as massive amounts of evidence reveals to any who are willing to read and discover. More next time
Yours Aye
Saturday, May 8, 2010
One of the most common caricatures made of Creation Science is that, because it begins with the Bible, it has nothing to do with Investigative Science. Science asks questions, they say, then looks for answers. So if you start with answers how can you do the science?
However we are obviously not claiming that God has revealed all possible knowledge in His Word. We do claim,though, that where he has clearly revealed certain facts relating to reality (science, history) these are true as opposed to untrue. This has nothing to do, incidently, with 'wooden headed literalism,' 'bibliolatry', or a 'failure to appreciate the nature of the literature.'
Creation Ministry websites have already published evidence that virtually all top Hebrew language scholars at world class universities (some non believers among them) understand that the meaning of Genesis (ie.the obvious intention of the writer) is to give us a simple yet factual account of the origins and history of man and the universe. Just as is it obvious to any straightforward reading by even a child. Holding to the recent creation by order or decree, in six earth days, having a globe covering Flood etc. is not peculiar invention of any 21st century movement but inevitably results from an honest scholarly dealing with the text itself.
Such matters merely give us the outline, the corner posts as it were, for a framework of understanding within which to interpret and correlate the facts of the real world. They do not give us all the answers. Rather they prevent us wasting time looking in the wrong direction while trying to establish the fascinating subjects of man and his world.
While the evolutionist and anti creationists, accuse the biblical creationists, of having to remain within their biblical framework.They tell everyone that they are open minded and are objectively searching for the truth. NOT SO. There are rigid rules in evolution/science.
While you may openmindedly discuss and consider all possible mechanisms of evolution you are only allowed to conclude with explanations that, 'matter,' is responsible for its own order and complexity. That is, that there has never ever been any supernatural creation . So much for openmindedness and objectivity.
In all of this we must remember that (origin science) of whatever flavour is inherently different from (operation science ) which covers how the universe presently works -gravity, physics, chemistry, etc. becasue we cannot directly test, or observe stories about the past.
Because of these misunderstandings it is vital that we consider carefully which are the fundamentals of the biblical origins framework. The clear unmistakable issues which demand no compromise (e.g. global Flood ) must be carefully separated from issues of a secondary construct upon which we must be prepared to, 'hang loose' if necessary. An instance of which is the idea of a pre-flood vapour canopy, which is not a direct teaching of scripture, but is only implied and while solving some problems, creates more. Another is the deep frozen mammoth' scenario which is popular but not biblical They are not worth the anguish and are best held 'lightly'.
So 'softly softly' on the indirect teachings of the Word but full affirmation and defence if necessary of the fundamental truths of scripture. (Thanks to Dr Carl Wieland CMI'Hanging Loose')
Yours Aye
However we are obviously not claiming that God has revealed all possible knowledge in His Word. We do claim,though, that where he has clearly revealed certain facts relating to reality (science, history) these are true as opposed to untrue. This has nothing to do, incidently, with 'wooden headed literalism,' 'bibliolatry', or a 'failure to appreciate the nature of the literature.'
Creation Ministry websites have already published evidence that virtually all top Hebrew language scholars at world class universities (some non believers among them) understand that the meaning of Genesis (ie.the obvious intention of the writer) is to give us a simple yet factual account of the origins and history of man and the universe. Just as is it obvious to any straightforward reading by even a child. Holding to the recent creation by order or decree, in six earth days, having a globe covering Flood etc. is not peculiar invention of any 21st century movement but inevitably results from an honest scholarly dealing with the text itself.
Such matters merely give us the outline, the corner posts as it were, for a framework of understanding within which to interpret and correlate the facts of the real world. They do not give us all the answers. Rather they prevent us wasting time looking in the wrong direction while trying to establish the fascinating subjects of man and his world.
While the evolutionist and anti creationists, accuse the biblical creationists, of having to remain within their biblical framework.They tell everyone that they are open minded and are objectively searching for the truth. NOT SO. There are rigid rules in evolution/science.
While you may openmindedly discuss and consider all possible mechanisms of evolution you are only allowed to conclude with explanations that, 'matter,' is responsible for its own order and complexity. That is, that there has never ever been any supernatural creation . So much for openmindedness and objectivity.
In all of this we must remember that (origin science) of whatever flavour is inherently different from (operation science ) which covers how the universe presently works -gravity, physics, chemistry, etc. becasue we cannot directly test, or observe stories about the past.
Because of these misunderstandings it is vital that we consider carefully which are the fundamentals of the biblical origins framework. The clear unmistakable issues which demand no compromise (e.g. global Flood ) must be carefully separated from issues of a secondary construct upon which we must be prepared to, 'hang loose' if necessary. An instance of which is the idea of a pre-flood vapour canopy, which is not a direct teaching of scripture, but is only implied and while solving some problems, creates more. Another is the deep frozen mammoth' scenario which is popular but not biblical They are not worth the anguish and are best held 'lightly'.
So 'softly softly' on the indirect teachings of the Word but full affirmation and defence if necessary of the fundamental truths of scripture. (Thanks to Dr Carl Wieland CMI'Hanging Loose')
Yours Aye
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Soon the first copy of the Booklet entitled Soar with Eagles Fly with Angels will be distributed to members of the Wynnum Gospel Chapel Qld. The purpose of the booklets, of which there will be five, is to assist ordinary evangelical Christians to look upon the Scriptures and affirm their historical integrity.
The Booklets will cover the first eleven chapters of Genesis but will be presented in such a way that they deny and defy the atheistic and evolutionary propositions which are opposed to God as our Creator and Jesus Christ as our Saviour
They are written for ordinary Christian believers and do not purport to being from a base of intellectual, philosophical or academic premise, but are a direct historical record of eyewitnesses who are not accorded that recognition by the present world view of humankind's development.
My contention is that Jesus Christ gave unconditional acceptance and support to all that Moses recorded and spoke from the records Moses obviously had in his possession. It was only c2500 years from Creation. God in His Creative Acts gave Man all he needed to write and record his generations. From Adam to Noah from Noah's Sons to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, to Moses.
Regrettably we live among many who name the name of Jesus but who deny, either or both,
His Divinity or humanity, also his spiritual conception, death and bodily resurrection necessary for any one's redemption. Our children are forbidden to receive Special Creation teaching in many schools and many are at pains to rid our world of the 'godbotherers' who love and serve Him.
Well, remnant though we may be in Australia, we must not give the atheists and evolutionists what they so 'religiously' claim is,, 'scientifically proved' concerning Humankind's History.
Besause they have not, and it is, not.
Yours Aye
The Booklets will cover the first eleven chapters of Genesis but will be presented in such a way that they deny and defy the atheistic and evolutionary propositions which are opposed to God as our Creator and Jesus Christ as our Saviour
They are written for ordinary Christian believers and do not purport to being from a base of intellectual, philosophical or academic premise, but are a direct historical record of eyewitnesses who are not accorded that recognition by the present world view of humankind's development.
My contention is that Jesus Christ gave unconditional acceptance and support to all that Moses recorded and spoke from the records Moses obviously had in his possession. It was only c2500 years from Creation. God in His Creative Acts gave Man all he needed to write and record his generations. From Adam to Noah from Noah's Sons to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, to Moses.
Regrettably we live among many who name the name of Jesus but who deny, either or both,
His Divinity or humanity, also his spiritual conception, death and bodily resurrection necessary for any one's redemption. Our children are forbidden to receive Special Creation teaching in many schools and many are at pains to rid our world of the 'godbotherers' who love and serve Him.
Well, remnant though we may be in Australia, we must not give the atheists and evolutionists what they so 'religiously' claim is,, 'scientifically proved' concerning Humankind's History.
Besause they have not, and it is, not.
Yours Aye
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
John began his Gospel with an affirmation that "The Word was God" (1:1) but went on to affirm that "the Word became flesh." (v 14) Now he illustrates from an encounter with a Samaritan woman how vulnerable that humanity was. It was about twelve noon when Jesus and his disciples reached Jacob's well and the sun was at its hottest. Jesus was tired after his morning's walk, so he sat by the well to rest. He was hungry so he sent his disciples to the neighbouring village to buy food. He was also hot and thirsty, so he asked the Samaritan woman for a drink.Thus Jesus was no superman immune to the frailty of ordinary mortals. He was an authentic human being.
The other characteristic of Jesus that this story highlights is his attitude to tradition. He was conservative in relation to Scripture, believing it to be the Word of God, but radical in relation to tradition, knowing it to consist of only human words. A radical is someone who is critical of all traditions and conventions, refusing to accept them merely because they have been handed down from the past.
Now the Samaritan woman had a threefold conventional disability. Firstly she was a woman, and it was not done for a man to talk to a woman in public. But Jesus did what wasn't done.
Secondly she was a Samaritan, and Jews did not associate with Samaritans. Thirdly she was a sinner,having had five husbandsand now cohabiting with a man to whom she was not married.
But respectable people like rabbis did not mix wit sinners like her. Thus three times over Jesus did what was not done. He deliberately breached the social conventions of the day. He was entirely free of gender discrimination, ethnic prejudice, and moral priggishness. He loved and respected everybody and shrank from nobody.
Thus Jesus was both conservative ( in relation to Scripture) and radical (in relation to culture)
at the same time. It seems to me we need a new generation of 'RCs,' now not for Roman Catholics but for Radical Conservatives.
Yours Aye
The other characteristic of Jesus that this story highlights is his attitude to tradition. He was conservative in relation to Scripture, believing it to be the Word of God, but radical in relation to tradition, knowing it to consist of only human words. A radical is someone who is critical of all traditions and conventions, refusing to accept them merely because they have been handed down from the past.
Now the Samaritan woman had a threefold conventional disability. Firstly she was a woman, and it was not done for a man to talk to a woman in public. But Jesus did what wasn't done.
Secondly she was a Samaritan, and Jews did not associate with Samaritans. Thirdly she was a sinner,having had five husbandsand now cohabiting with a man to whom she was not married.
But respectable people like rabbis did not mix wit sinners like her. Thus three times over Jesus did what was not done. He deliberately breached the social conventions of the day. He was entirely free of gender discrimination, ethnic prejudice, and moral priggishness. He loved and respected everybody and shrank from nobody.
Thus Jesus was both conservative ( in relation to Scripture) and radical (in relation to culture)
at the same time. It seems to me we need a new generation of 'RCs,' now not for Roman Catholics but for Radical Conservatives.
Yours Aye
Monday, March 15, 2010
Jesus declared 'I tell you the truth, that no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.
Nicodemus is a supreme example of a sincere example of a seeker after truth. If only there were more Nicodemuses in the world today-men and women who are prepered to lay aside apathy,
prejudice, and fear and seek the truth with an honest and humble spirit. 'Seek and you will find,' Jesus promised. (Matt 7:7)
Jesus must have startled Nicodemus by telling him that he must be born again. What did he mean?
Obviously he was not referring to a second physical birth or an act of self reformation. Nor can Jesus have been alluding to Christian Baptism, since it was not instituted until after the resurrection. To be sure baptism is the sign or ordinance which seals the evidence of new birth, but we must not confuse the outward sign with the inward thing signified. Baptism is a visible public dramatisation of the new birth, which is itself an invisible and secret work of God, by which he gives us new life, a new beginning.
Moreover ( Jesus said ) we must be born again. Without the new birth we can neither see nor enter God's kingdom. Nicodemus was religious, moral, educated, respectable and courteous. He even believed in the divine origin of Jesus. But all this was not enough. He still needed to be born again.
So how does this new birth take place ? From one point of view, it is entirely a work of God. No one has ever given birth to himself. So the new birth is a birth, 'from above,' a birth of the 'Holy Spirit'. But from our side we have both to repent and to believe. Nicodemus could not bypass John's baptism of repentance. This surely was what Jesus meant by being born 'of water' Then he must believe putting his trust in Jesus the Messiah, who was the Saviour he needed.
Notes from 'Through the Bible through the Year' John Stott.
Yours Aye
Nicodemus is a supreme example of a sincere example of a seeker after truth. If only there were more Nicodemuses in the world today-men and women who are prepered to lay aside apathy,
prejudice, and fear and seek the truth with an honest and humble spirit. 'Seek and you will find,' Jesus promised. (Matt 7:7)
Jesus must have startled Nicodemus by telling him that he must be born again. What did he mean?
Obviously he was not referring to a second physical birth or an act of self reformation. Nor can Jesus have been alluding to Christian Baptism, since it was not instituted until after the resurrection. To be sure baptism is the sign or ordinance which seals the evidence of new birth, but we must not confuse the outward sign with the inward thing signified. Baptism is a visible public dramatisation of the new birth, which is itself an invisible and secret work of God, by which he gives us new life, a new beginning.
Moreover ( Jesus said ) we must be born again. Without the new birth we can neither see nor enter God's kingdom. Nicodemus was religious, moral, educated, respectable and courteous. He even believed in the divine origin of Jesus. But all this was not enough. He still needed to be born again.
So how does this new birth take place ? From one point of view, it is entirely a work of God. No one has ever given birth to himself. So the new birth is a birth, 'from above,' a birth of the 'Holy Spirit'. But from our side we have both to repent and to believe. Nicodemus could not bypass John's baptism of repentance. This surely was what Jesus meant by being born 'of water' Then he must believe putting his trust in Jesus the Messiah, who was the Saviour he needed.
Notes from 'Through the Bible through the Year' John Stott.
Yours Aye
Saturday, March 6, 2010
John tells us that his ultimate purpose in writing his Gospel was that his readers might receive life through Jesus Christ. In order to receive life from Christ, they must believe in Christ, and in order to believe in Christ, John has selected certain signs that bear witness to Christ. Thus testimony leads to faith, and faith to life .
Indeed, John sees his gospel primarily as testimony to Christ. It is almost as if his Gospel were a court scene and Jesus Christ were on trial. A succession of witnesses is called, beginning with John the Baptist, and the trial continues with seven miraculous signs, each of which is a dramatised claim.
1. Jesus turned water into wine, claiming to inaugurate a new order.
2. and 3. Jesus performed two healing miracles, claiming to give new life.
4. Jesus fed five thousand people, claiming to be the Bread of Life.
5. Jesus walked on water, claiming that the powers of nature were under his authority.
6. Jesus gave sight to a man born blind, claiming to be the Light of the World.
7. Jesus raised Lazarus from death, claiming to be the Resurrection and the Life .
Yet there is another side to John's witness to Jesus. The seven signs recorded in the first half of his Gospel, are signs of power and authority. In the second half of his Gospel, however, John records signs of weakness and humility-first in the washing of the disciples feet and then in the cross which John sees as the glorification of Jesus.
To sum up, John's Gospel is in two halves: part 1 is the Book of Signs, and part 2 is the Book of the Cross. But in both, throughout the Gospel, John is bearing witness to Jesus in order that his readers may believe in him and so receive life from him.
Yours Aye
Indeed, John sees his gospel primarily as testimony to Christ. It is almost as if his Gospel were a court scene and Jesus Christ were on trial. A succession of witnesses is called, beginning with John the Baptist, and the trial continues with seven miraculous signs, each of which is a dramatised claim.
1. Jesus turned water into wine, claiming to inaugurate a new order.
2. and 3. Jesus performed two healing miracles, claiming to give new life.
4. Jesus fed five thousand people, claiming to be the Bread of Life.
5. Jesus walked on water, claiming that the powers of nature were under his authority.
6. Jesus gave sight to a man born blind, claiming to be the Light of the World.
7. Jesus raised Lazarus from death, claiming to be the Resurrection and the Life .
Yet there is another side to John's witness to Jesus. The seven signs recorded in the first half of his Gospel, are signs of power and authority. In the second half of his Gospel, however, John records signs of weakness and humility-first in the washing of the disciples feet and then in the cross which John sees as the glorification of Jesus.
To sum up, John's Gospel is in two halves: part 1 is the Book of Signs, and part 2 is the Book of the Cross. But in both, throughout the Gospel, John is bearing witness to Jesus in order that his readers may believe in him and so receive life from him.
Yours Aye
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Many people are troubled by the apparent remoteness of God. He seems to them distant, aloof , and unreal. They cry out with Job, 'If only I knew where to find him' (Job 23 :3)
It is this image of an absentee God that John smashes to smithereens. In the prologue of his Gospel he writes of three comings of God into the world in Christ.
Firstly, he was coming into the world. It is a great mistake to suppose that the first time God came into the world was when he was born into it. No, He made the world and has never left it. 'He is the true light that gives light to every man' who, ' was coming into the world' (John 1:9) Thus long before he came he was coming, giving to all both light and life. So that everything beautiful, good, and true in the world we claim for Jesus Christ. People may not know this, for usually he retains his incognito, but he is 'the light of men' (v4) No human being is plunged into total darkness.
Secondly he came into the world 'He came to that which was his own' (v11) He who had been coming to all people now came to his particular people He who had been coming ingognito now came in person, openly and publicly. The eternal Word became a human being. The tragedy is the world did not recognize him.
Thirdly he still comes. He He comes now by his Spirit, and to thos who receive him he gives the right to become God's children, born of God (v12)
A fourth coming could be added, although John does not mention it here. But later records Jesus's promise.' I will come back and take you to be with me (John 14 :3)
So here are God's four comings .He was continuously coming as the light and life of all human beings. He came on the first Christmas Day. He conme still,waiting for us to receive Him and He will come on the last Day.
Yours Aye
It is this image of an absentee God that John smashes to smithereens. In the prologue of his Gospel he writes of three comings of God into the world in Christ.
Firstly, he was coming into the world. It is a great mistake to suppose that the first time God came into the world was when he was born into it. No, He made the world and has never left it. 'He is the true light that gives light to every man' who, ' was coming into the world' (John 1:9) Thus long before he came he was coming, giving to all both light and life. So that everything beautiful, good, and true in the world we claim for Jesus Christ. People may not know this, for usually he retains his incognito, but he is 'the light of men' (v4) No human being is plunged into total darkness.
Secondly he came into the world 'He came to that which was his own' (v11) He who had been coming to all people now came to his particular people He who had been coming ingognito now came in person, openly and publicly. The eternal Word became a human being. The tragedy is the world did not recognize him.
Thirdly he still comes. He He comes now by his Spirit, and to thos who receive him he gives the right to become God's children, born of God (v12)
A fourth coming could be added, although John does not mention it here. But later records Jesus's promise.' I will come back and take you to be with me (John 14 :3)
So here are God's four comings .He was continuously coming as the light and life of all human beings. He came on the first Christmas Day. He conme still,waiting for us to receive Him and He will come on the last Day.
Yours Aye
Monday, February 15, 2010
Last time we considered Luke as a historian this week we will see him as a theologian and evangelist. What is his message? It is that Jesus is the Saviour of the world, the reaching out to everybody, irrespective of race, nationality, rank, age or sex. So Luke deliberately places near the beginning of each of his volumes a statement of universality. Quoting OT prophets he says.
Luke 3:6 'And all mankind will see God's Salvation'
Acts 2:17 'I will pour out my Spirit on all people'
And throughout his Gospel he goes out of his way to show Jesus including those whom society often excludes.
Being a doctor it is understandable that Luke should emphasize Jesus's compassion for the sick and suffering. But he also cared for women and children, the poor and the needy, tax collectors and sinneres, and especially Samaritans and Gentiles. In each case Luke's emphasis is stronger than that of the other evangelists.
Being a Gentile himself Luke was a man of wide horizons. He never calls the water of Galilee a sea, for he himself has sailed on the Great Sea ( the Mediterranean) and by comparison he calls Galilee only a lake.
In the Acts Luke chronicles the three pioneer missionary journeys undertaken by his hero Paul, indicating the occasions when he himself was present as Paul's companion. The Acts records a triumphal progression from Jerusalem, the capital of Jewry, to Rome the capital of the world .
Wherever they went they proclaimed salvation (comprising forgiveness and the Spirit) as available in Christ to all people. And Luke records the apostle Peter's affirmation.
'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved'. Acts 4:12
Yours Aye
Luke 3:6 'And all mankind will see God's Salvation'
Acts 2:17 'I will pour out my Spirit on all people'
And throughout his Gospel he goes out of his way to show Jesus including those whom society often excludes.
Being a doctor it is understandable that Luke should emphasize Jesus's compassion for the sick and suffering. But he also cared for women and children, the poor and the needy, tax collectors and sinneres, and especially Samaritans and Gentiles. In each case Luke's emphasis is stronger than that of the other evangelists.
Being a Gentile himself Luke was a man of wide horizons. He never calls the water of Galilee a sea, for he himself has sailed on the Great Sea ( the Mediterranean) and by comparison he calls Galilee only a lake.
In the Acts Luke chronicles the three pioneer missionary journeys undertaken by his hero Paul, indicating the occasions when he himself was present as Paul's companion. The Acts records a triumphal progression from Jerusalem, the capital of Jewry, to Rome the capital of the world .
Wherever they went they proclaimed salvation (comprising forgiveness and the Spirit) as available in Christ to all people. And Luke records the apostle Peter's affirmation.
'Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved'. Acts 4:12
Yours Aye
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Luke part 1 - Jesus the Historical Figure
Luke wrote the two volume work on the origins of Christianity, namely his Gospel and the Acts.
In his preface which covers both Books, he emphasises the reliability of what he is writing. For he is absolutely clear that Jesus was no myth but a historical figure. So he sets out his case in five logical stages. (vv 1-4)
First certain "things ....have been fulfilled among us "(v 1) These were the events of Jesus's ministry
Secondly; these events were seen by eyewitnesses who "handed down"what they had seen,to others. (v 2)
Thirdly, Luke who was one of these,"carefully investigated everything from the beginning" (v 3)
Fourthly Luke wrote down the result of his research, giving an orderly account" of it. (v3)
Fifthly, there would be readers,including Theophilus,his distinguished patron, who would find in Luke's Gospel solid grounds for his faith.
But when did Luke pursue his investigations ? For he was not one of the Twelve or an eyewitness. He later enjoyed a two year residence in Palestine while Paul was imprisoned in Caeserea (Acts 24 ;27). How did he occupy his time ? We can only guess. Surely he travelled the length and breadth of the, gathering material for his Gospel and for the early Jesusalem-based story of the Acts,visiting the sites associated with Jesus's ministry, familiarising himself (as a Gentile) with Jewish culture, and interviewing eyewitnesses. These must have included the Virgin Mary by now an elderly lady. For Luke tells Mary's story including the intimacies surrounding Jeus"s birth.These can have come only from Mary herself. All this establishes our confidence in the historical reliability of Luke's writings. (Through the Bible Through the Year )
John Stott.
Yours Aye
In his preface which covers both Books, he emphasises the reliability of what he is writing. For he is absolutely clear that Jesus was no myth but a historical figure. So he sets out his case in five logical stages. (vv 1-4)
First certain "things ....have been fulfilled among us "(v 1) These were the events of Jesus's ministry
Secondly; these events were seen by eyewitnesses who "handed down"what they had seen,to others. (v 2)
Thirdly, Luke who was one of these,"carefully investigated everything from the beginning" (v 3)
Fourthly Luke wrote down the result of his research, giving an orderly account" of it. (v3)
Fifthly, there would be readers,including Theophilus,his distinguished patron, who would find in Luke's Gospel solid grounds for his faith.
But when did Luke pursue his investigations ? For he was not one of the Twelve or an eyewitness. He later enjoyed a two year residence in Palestine while Paul was imprisoned in Caeserea (Acts 24 ;27). How did he occupy his time ? We can only guess. Surely he travelled the length and breadth of the, gathering material for his Gospel and for the early Jesusalem-based story of the Acts,visiting the sites associated with Jesus's ministry, familiarising himself (as a Gentile) with Jewish culture, and interviewing eyewitnesses. These must have included the Virgin Mary by now an elderly lady. For Luke tells Mary's story including the intimacies surrounding Jeus"s birth.These can have come only from Mary herself. All this establishes our confidence in the historical reliability of Luke's writings. (Through the Bible Through the Year )
John Stott.
Yours Aye
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